Utility Research Garden
A million bamboo for Texas
The Utility Research Garden has a million bamboo for Texas and a million more for whatever state you’re in. We have bamboo for altered states, bamboo for grand estates, bamboo for state run television, bamboo for Grambling State, for grumbling states, and bamboo for people in rambling states of unease about the course of history. Bamboo has had a thousand jobs over the past thousand years and it’s equally at home in the Orient as in the Occident. Half the bamboo species in the world are home on land you and I can walk to, but the best known plants and the most recognized uses come to us from the East, which is easier to get to by pointing your boat west.
That said, we have bamboo that grows well in Texarkansas, but not so much in Terlingua. We have bamboo that thrives in Orange County and bamboo that can clear the air in Greenville, Mississippi. We’ve delivered bamboo to NOLA, to a woman named Zola, to Waco, to Oklahoma, to a Pancho, a lefty, and several right wing compounds. Our bamboo is ubiquitous in Austin, stands tall in Baton Rouge, teaches countless Westerners about the Eastern values of open hearts, firm bodies, bending in the wind, but not breaking under pressure. We cultivate over a hundred different varieties of bamboo, and we are cultivated by it too. Blocking neighbors is its specialty, as is blocking freeways, flyways, and country byways. But the true beauty, only occasionally seen in our neck of the woods, is a grove of bamboo whistling and knocking in the breeze, it’s ten-thousand leaves each speaking quietly to one another.
— David Cater, the Utility Research Garden
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