Wolf Creek Tree Farm
Grown in the southern Appalachian Mountains
Wolf Creek Tree Farm was founded in 1949 by Thomas C. Beutell and his wife Joan A. Beutell. The Beutells used their wonderful location in the mountains of western North Carolina to establish the first plantings of Fraser Fir to be grown exclusively as Christmas trees. Realizing that location was only part of the equation, the Beutells established the importance of genetics in producing quality trees, thus established some of the first privately held seed orchards.
As Wolf Creek Tree Farm began to grow, in trees and experience, it became instrumental in the tree growing community to organize the beginnings of the North Carolina Christmas Tree Association. The Beutells have been active members of the National Christmas Tree Association (NCTA) and the North Carolina Christmas Tree Association (NCCTA). Mr. Beutell also received the Lifetime Acheivement Award from the National Assocation. Ever since that time, Wolf Creek Tree Farm and Nursery has been an active proponent of growing the highest quality trees, as well as being actively involved in the National Christmas Tree Association and real tree promotional efforts.
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