Weeks Roses
Growers of the World's Finest Roses!
Weeks Roses is one of the largest commercial rose growers in the United States since 1938. Our hefty bare-root field-grown plants, Leaf N’ Bud® container plants, Tops In Pots™ dormant plantable pots and own-root rose liners are sold to nurseries, garden centers, and select mail order outlets nationwide.
For over 75 years we have offered a unique broad selection of popular & unusual roses - Whether it be new Hybrid Teas & Grandifloras, Floribundas, Climbers, Shrubs & Shrublets, Miniatures, Tree Roses and AARS (All-America Rose Selections) award winners. For each rose variety, we select the propagation method that ensures maximum plant performance, hardiness and floriferousness in your garden. We produce both budded and own-root plants. For our more Southern consumers we offer selected rose varieties budded on Fortuniana understock.

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